How to create a great user experience with your dashboards

While good dashboards require attention to detail and precision, it's crucial not to lose sight of the overall big picture. Therefore, I recommend stepping back when designing dashboards.
Spreadsheet : The user experience killer.
It's well known that spreadsheets can kill the user experience and make it chaotic due to their complexity and raw data presentation.
What about dashboards?
Dashboard : The versatile
With dashboards, creating a user experience is simpler. There are charts to be read in a certain order, and whether the dashboard is exploratory or decision-oriented, it's fundamentally easier (when perfectly executed). All it takes is adjusting the spacing, titles and borders to guide the user.
Dataviz Product : A user-centered design approach
A dashboard can be seen as a data visualization product. Although this is often overlooked, adopting a product approach can make the final deliverable more professional. By incorporating Product Design principles, a dashboard does more than just "export data" or "offer an Excel extract."
The vertical eco-system
Dashboards are often organized according to business functions. This approach inhibits cross-domain user journeys. It's important to consider a vertical experience, but also a horizontal one: between projects and domains.
Eco-system refocused on user experience
In this setup, links can be made between projects, domains and business activities, without being restricted to the current data visualization products silos.
Dashboard level vs Product level
Key benefits :
- Avoid duplicates content
- Avoid duplicates queries
- Ensure efficient use of the data
- Adopt new skills and design methods for devs
- Create a horizontal user experience for businesses
- Help to think about documentation, FAQ, onboarding, training, release note ...
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If you want to learn how to apply design and cognitive principles to your dashboards and reports, join my new training "Learn Design Driven Data Visualization".